Thursday 28 August 2014

Eating Out: Gourmet Burger Kitchen

OK, OK so I know I said I will be posting about my 'healthy' gluten free diet and lifestyle but it just so happens that all the exciting gluten free food is also all the naughty stuff! And I just so happen to have done a lot of 'exploring' in this area...
Hey, I got a lot of nice food taken away from me, I deserve to indulge now and again when the opportunity arises! ;)
SO! Gourmet Burger Kitchen:
My sister ate here a while back because they're burger patties have always been 100% beef, but back then the only gluten free option was having a 'naked burger' where the meat comes without the bun, with the option of a lettuce wrap instead.
But nooow *drum roll* they have gluten free burger buns! Woohoo!
I have wanted to try GBK's burgers forever*
*not literally forever but considering my excitement we can forgive a little over exaggeration
So as soon as I heard about their brand spanking new gluten free options I decided I HAD to go!
I wanted to have a look on their website first to see what sort of things were going to be on offer for me but to my disappointment they didn't have the gluten free menu available online. A bit silly I thought BUT what I did find instead was a certain big shiny advertisement:

Before I could even begin to worry about how much this meal was going to cost my boyfriend, we've got ourselves a meal for a tenner. Sorted. We booked a table.
And so it begins, with the menu:

What's nice about it is that its exactly the same as the 'normal' menu, printed on the same kind of hard sheet with the same layout. I MUCH prefer this than being handed just a scrap of paper or even worse having the restaurants entire A4 folder of allergen information plonked on your lap. Instead, here I was made to feel just like everybody else, if not even a little spoilt! Its much nicer having a whole separate menu with just gluten free options rather than having to sift through the normal menu being teased by all the other dishes you can't have.
So, what did I have? Well I'm spoilt for choice! Even on the gluten free menu there are a range of both beef and chicken burgers with all sorts of fillings.
The only down side is that the fries weren't gluten free :( but it did say this on the menu:

This impressed me because I can't tell you how many times and in how many places I've had to ask whether I can eat the chips and even then not been given a very reassuring answer. So even though it was bad news it was also refreshing to have the answer right in front of me!
In the end I went for a classic cheese burger. Alright so maybe I'm a little boring but I did add an extra grilled mushroom if that helps?!
The food arrived fairly quickly, and it was gone even quicker!
Look at those buns!
I was really impressed with the gluten free burger bun, in particular the size because I'm used to gluten free versions of things being smaller (Dominos I'm looking at you!) But my burger was the same size as the normal one! Like they advertise, the bun was also really soft however I still couldn't escape leaving a crumbling mess on my plate. Gluten free bread does seem to have the tendency to break easily and I don't think my juicy mushroom helped!
So the important question: Do I recommend it?
Hell yes.
I've even already been back since with my Mom! What was that I was saying about healthy eating?...
It is quite an expensive meal if you aren't lucky enough to grab a voucher like we were, so I'd suggest trying to find a deal beforehand but at the same time its not like the food isn't worth the money! The hint is in the name, the burgers really are 'gourmet'.
And in my eyes grtting to eat a gourmet gluten free burger is priceless !

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