Saturday 2 August 2014


Hello :)

Welcome to my new blog 'Life in the 'Free From' Aisle'.

This is going to be all about how I get around living my daily life coping with Coeliac Disease.
I LOVE food and I'll be the first to admit that my favourite part of the day is when I get to have a big slap up meal for dinner, so getting diagnosed with Coeliac Disease was a big blow to me. It hasn't come without its struggles, and what some may describe as minor breakdowns in the middle of Sainsbury's... but lo and behold I've had the disease for just over three years now and in the last year or so I have finally come to terms with living life with a gluten-free diet and still being able to enjoy all kinds of my favourite foods! 

Now I am enjoying a healthy, gluten free diet and lifestyle I wanted to put my experiences including daily conquers, and sometimes struggles, on the internet to help others who are newly diagnosed or just want to learn more about it!
I'll be posting 'days in the life' (sort of a food-diary), home meals, experiences of eating out/restaurant reviews, food/brand reviews, monthly favourites in the world of 'free from' food and anything else which I think is worth being noted for those with Coeliac Disease.

I hope you enjoy/find this blog interesting and if not, I at least hope you find it a much more worthwhile read than my usual drivel on twitter.


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