Friday 5 September 2014

Monthly Favourite: Marks and Spencers Scotch Eggs

So, I am kicking off my 'monthly favourite' posts with my pick for September: Marks and Spencer's 'new' gluten free scotch eggs.
They released these in the summer as part of their 'Made Without Wheat' range. I can't even remember the last time I ate a scotch egg beforehand, so you can imagine my excitement when my sister sent me a photograph of a pair she had picked up.

What a genius thing to bring into the gf world!
The first thing I thought was "Oh my god, I can go to picnics again", and not to mention buffets are well and truly back on the table!
The main reasons I picked these to be my favourite this month however comes down to the fact they are delicious. They are really good quality scotch eggs. The eggs is really soft and the meat is rich and tasty and the gluten free crumbs aren't even that... crumby! Seriously, they're surprisingly not that messy to eat, which is a nice change.
Whats more important however is that they are HUGE! Like I have said before, for some reason I cannot fathom, gluten free food is always smaller than normal food however whoever made these lovelies did not scrimp! They're like tennis balls. And in one pack you get TWO.
I haven't even mentioned the best bit yet though...
This took me a while to get my head around.
If you're a regular gf shopper you will know all too well how extortionate prices of gluten free food are. I'm talking boarder-line robbery.
So to be able to get two healthy sized, really top notch gluten free scotch eggs for £1.20 is just wonderful.
All too many times now do I take my trips through town on a Marks and Spencer's detour to buy myself a pack.
Try them for yourself and you'll understand!

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