Thursday 11 September 2014

Home Cooking By The Boyfriend

Now I've already talked about some of the amazing things my family have done for me in the way of gluten free meals etc so it wouldn't be fair if I didn't mention my boyfriend too. He is really supportive and forever looking for ways to make me the meals I am missing the most.
So I thought I'd do a couple of posts about some of the meals he has made me or we have made together so that others who are missing out can have a go and enjoy them too!
I'll begin with this one first as it is one of the biggest and best meals he has ever made me:
a home made Chinese takeaway.
This was genuinely one of the hardest things to come to terms with when I got diagnosed. Never being able to eat my favourite things from a Chinese ever again? It doesn't even bare thinking about.
I've been too upset by the matter to consider having a go myself. I just couldn't see myself being able to make it the same and I'd probably mess it up or it would turn out a disappointment. But lucky for me my boyfriend had other plans.
Now, I don't have step by step pictures because he made it for me as a surprise and I was banned from the kitchen during the process. You can imagine how overwhelmed I was then to walk in the living room and see this displayed on the table!

A full blown gluten free Chinese takeaway with all the trimmings.
We had:
Sweet and sour noodles,
Chicken balls in batter,
Prawns in batter,
Egg fried rice,
Spring rolls,
Chinese curry sauce,
(my personal highlight) Prawn toast,
And even a gluten free beer!
I could have cried with happiness... I didn't actually though... honest...
It all tasted incredible. Gluten free batter is one of the rarest things to come by so being able to eat those chicken balls and prawns was heaven.
And the prawn toast was better than any I had tasted before.
And if I'd been brave enough to try and make all of this myself at all in the last three years I would've found out that it really isn't that difficult.

I'll start with the best bit. The prawn toast. He used this recipe for it: but obviously used Genius bread instead (any other gluten free brand of bread would be fine also). PLEASE try it. It tasted soooo good!

The batter was as plain and simple as any other; Doves Farm self raising flour, water (apparently sparkling or tonic water works better as it gives a crispier batter) and salt. THREE ingredients? I seriously don't know why I haven't tried to make gluten free batter it myself yet. I'll definitely be doing it more often now! And the methods/how to can be found literally anywhere online just swap the flour for gluten free!

The spring rolls were actually some I had as a gift from my sister Lucie, so she gets some credit in this too! She bought them online as you can too by following this link here!

As for the sweet and sour noodles my boyfriend used rice noodles, which can be found in pretty much any super market but we had these ones. The sauce was Sainsbury's own sweet and sour sauce which is gluten free (thanks Sainsbury's!) as is the Chinese curry sauce he used which he also got from Sainsbury's but may be found elsewhere too.

The beer is 'Green's Premium Pilsner' which, YOU GUESSED IT, he also bought from Sainsbury's (I swear this blog ins't endorsed by them or something). If you were a fan of beer before diagnosis like myself, #lads, then I strongly recommend this one! Just, try and pretend its not overpriced...

And finally the egg fried rice was good old Uncle Ben's and lets be honest he never fails to deliver, that Uncle Ben.

And that's your lot!
A mighty gluten free Chinese takeaway feast.
Surprisingly easy to do and SO MUCH FUN TO EAT!

Honestly if you have doubts like I did about not being able to live up to the Chinese takeaway standard (I use that term loosely, but you know what I mean) then put them aside and just go for it. Or if you don't fancy the task yourself and are lucky enough to have a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner as awesome as mine then get them on board to try it for you!
You'll be pleasantly surprised... and.. really really full!

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