Friday 12 December 2014

Review Of The New: B Free

It seems to be happening more and more these days, I'll go into a supermarket and find a load of new things in the free from section. It's amazing! Keep it up please!
As great as it is, its also a terrible temptress into me spending money I don't have, so for now I have had to pull the reins in and haven't been able to buy much of the things I am seeing *sad face*.
One thing I saw however and sent a picture straight to my sister with a caption something along the lines of 'OHMYGODWEHAVETOTRYTHISNOW' was this:

This is this new Mexican fajita kit by 'B Free'.
Luckily/unsurprisingly my sister shared the same excited thoughts as me, so she bought a pack and invited me over to try it out, yum!
On the pack you can see what this includes:

I took some pictures of our fajita making experience to share with you:
First of all we were super impressed that the wraps included in the kit were the full sized B Free wraps.

These are also sold separately on their own and I highly recommend them. You can get a pack of 6 of these for either £3.50 in Tesco or £2.80 in Asda - you make that decision yourself... anyway, I love them. They are soft and more importantly really flexible so they don't break when you wrap them; I use them for lunches all the time! So, back to the fajita kit, we were half expecting the wraps inside the kit to be small so its was definitely a pleasant surprise to get full sized ones!
The kit also comes with its own seasoning and salsa packets. They come in a double pack which you can separate which is really handy because it means you can use some now and save some for another time (because lets be honest, there is going to be another time!)
We used one seasoning packet but opted for another, larger salsa packet that my sister already had in her cupboard, purely based on preference and the amount of people it had to feed!

The only other change we made to what the kit suggests is we used minced meat instead of chicken as our filling. I took some step-by-step pictures whilst I was 'manning the pan' :

                                                             Step 1: Browning the mince

Step 2: Adding chopped peppers and onions

Step 3: (I tried to get an action shot of me adding
the fajita seasoning, but I am no professional
photographer so this will have to do):

On the side lines we started arranging other exciting, tasty things to go into our fajitas. Here is our selection of condiments and fillings:

And here is everything laid out on the table when it was ready:

Now for the fun to begin!


Ok so if you've read any of my previous posts you already know I LOVE Mexican food so my opinion is biased when I say I really enjoyed this meal! However from a none Mexican-obsessed point of view, this fajita kit is still great! I mean, it costs either £4.75 or £5.50 which is more than double the price of your average fajita kit by Old El Paso and the likes sooo it is an investment to say the least. But what's new?! If you have been Coeliac for a while, like me, you're already used to (and infuriated by) the fact that gluten free food is extortionately priced. It's up to you to make the decision to buy the ingredients to make fajita's separately or go for this kit by B-Free. For me, it's just really refreshing to see gluten free kits like these in the supermarkets and I suppose that's purely because of the novelty that goes with it. Being able to pick something fun up like this and feel 'normal' is what sold it for me but at the same time I won't be affording to do it again any time soon. So there are pros and cons but overall it's another exciting development in what is looking like a bright future on the 'Free From' Aisle.

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