Thursday 23 October 2014

Coeliac Life Hack

So one of the hardest things to come to terms with when you have a food allergy or intolerance is no longer being able to feel 'normal'. Maybe you always feel like 'the awkward one' when eating out or you're just generally fed up of missing out on eating experiences that you used to have.
So I'm going to share with you something that I discovered which I would say is a pretty good coeliac life hack.
This one in particular may only appeal to a niche reader because I am a student which means I'm still relatively young and irresponsible so fast food is still a big part of my life. Let's just get this out the way before anymore build up: this post is about McDonald's.
Fast food is the hardest thing to come by as a coeliac, it pretty much doeent exist BUT I have found a sneaky little way around this particular eating place (sorry, I couldn't bring myself to refer to McDonalds as a restraunt).
For me, what I missed most was my double cheeseburgers, so after intensive research I was delighted to find out that McDonalds burger patties are made from 100% beef. I'm not saying theyre made from top of the range meat nor am I oblivious to the fact that they are filled with a load of unhealthy crap BUT my point is, they don't contain any wheat so that is a win in my eyes. What was then even more wonderful to discover is that its not too frowned upon to go into McDonalds and ask for said double cheeseburger to be served to you without the bun. Admittedly this request hasn't come without a few raised eyebrows and puzzled looks but overall the staff have been totally comprehensive and treat it as though they get asked it all the time. The burger comes served to you in a box or closed lid tray and 9 times out of 10 with a plastic knife and fork too.
I order mine with chips, as these are also gluten free and confirmation of this can be found on McDonald's nutritional information menu if you ask for one.
In fact look at one anyway, now you know you can eat a burger there why not go all out and see what else you could add to your bill!
Like I said as I'm still an avid fast food eater this has been great for me especially when friends suggest going there and I can't lie no night out felt complete without the 4am stumble through the golden arches so having that back in my life is fab.
I hope this information changes your lives for the better too, if not then I sincerely apologise for the bad influence and impending weight loss plan.

"Jimma Dinners" Part Two

My stomach has never been so happy.
My sister and brother in law went and did it again with an absolutely fantastic gluten free meal that I NEED to share with you.
Don your sombreros and crack out the tequila, were having Mexican.
Let's be honest, these guys knew what they were doing when it came to food, there are so many amazing dishes to be had and the best part of it is, most authentic Mexican food uses corn instead of wheat!
So the Jim's, being awesome human beings, decided to utterly spoil me and buy some soft corn flour tortillas from Wholefoods in London, so that when I next came round we could have tacos!
It was a hell of a feast to say the least, complete with amusing chalk board menu gag:

And just take a look at that spread!

We had slow cooked pulled chicken with chipotle seasoning, picante, a range of sauces including salsa, guacamole, nacho cheese and sour cream, lettuice, grated cheese and even a fresh slice of lime each.
Here are some of my creations (albeit rather messy ones, but that's half the fun!):

I'm only a beginner so my tacos are far from aesthetically pleasing but the important thing is they tasted incredible!
All in all it was an absolutely fab meal. Soooo tasty and super filling.
I hadn't had tacos before this for at least a year and that was only because me and my sister were lucky enough to find a place in American that served corn flour tortillas whilst we were on holiday there! So its great to know that the meal is actually easily achievable a lot closer to home.
Thank you Jimma!